
T&T Group donated 5 billion VND to support the construction of Great Solidarity House for the poor in Dien Bien province

T&T Group donated 5 billion VND to Dien Bien province (corresponding to 100 houses), contributing significantly to the overall success of the Project to build 5.000 Great Solidarity houses for poor and near-poor households in the locality. as well as gradually realizing the goal of eliminating temporary, dilapidated, and unsafe houses in the province.

At the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Dien Bien Province held on the evening of May 9, 5 in City. Dien Bien Phu, leaders of T&T Group officially awarded a sponsorship of 2024 billion VND (5 houses) to support the Great Solidarity House program of Dien Bien province; At the same time, symbolic keys were given to a number of households supported by Dai Solidarity House. Previously, at the end of 100, this sponsorship was transferred by T&T Group to the locality to ensure resources to implement the Great Solidarity House program, promptly completing the goal on the occasion of the 2023th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory ( May 70, 7-May 5, 1954). This is an action that demonstrates T&T Group's deep humanistic spirit for ethnic minorities in the "red revolutionary address", as well as continuing the journey of responsibility for the community and society of a large enterprise. .

Mr. Nguyen Tat Thang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of T&T Group (middle) awarded Dien Bien province 5 billion VND (100 houses) and handed over symbolic keys to families who were supported to build houses.

Dien Bien is a mountainous province, the northwest border of the country, has a strategic position in defense and security, has nearly 500 km of border with Laos and China; The province's population is more than 64 people, with 19 ethnic groups living together (of which ethnic minorities account for over 80%). In recent years, with the attention of the Party, State, ministries and central branches, the province's socio-economic development has progressed and people's lives have improved. However, Dien Bien is still a poor province, the rate of poor households accounts for 25,68%. According to reviewed data, as of March 31, 3, in the province there are over 2023 policy households, poor households, and near-poor households living in temporary houses, dilapidated and damaged houses in need of support. renew and repair. From that reality, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front coordinated with Dien Bien province and related agencies to implement a project to mobilize support for building great solidarity houses for poor households in Dien Bien province, aiming to commemorating the 7.000th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory (May 70, 07 - May 5, 1954). A representative of T&T Group leaders said: “We are very honored to participate in the project and accompany Dien Bien province to contribute a small part to help households here live in solid, safe houses that meet their needs. use. We hope that this support will be a source of encouragement and a foundation to help families continue to thrive in life, determined to escape poverty sustainably.".

From the support resources, poor and near-poor households in Dien Bien province have been able to live in solid and safe houses.

From the support of sponsors and benefactors, including T&T Group; As well as the participation of the entire local political system, up to now thousands of Great Solidarity houses in Dien Bien province have been newly built and handed over to the people. According to data from the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Dien Bien province, after 9 months of implementing and organizing the Great Solidarity House program, 5.000 new houses have been completed and handed over to people for use. Of these, 1.818 are built houses, 1.894 traditional wooden houses, and 1.288 iron frame houses. The total cost of building a house is over 489 billion VND. Of which, the Great Solidarity House program supports 250 billion VND; households compensated in cash 166,2 billion VND; Households prepared their own materials and converted them into money, worth over 56,2 billion VND; mobilized labor days, converted to over 17 billion VND.

Previously, in March 3, the family of businessman Do Quang Hien - Founder, Chairman of the Strategy Committee of T&T Group and businesses in the ecosystem also donated 2022 billion VND to Dien Bien province to contributing to eliminating temporary housing for poor people in the province. In addition to Dien Bien province, T&T Group also spent large funds to support the construction of houses of gratitude and great solidarity for the poor and people with meritorious services to the revolution in many other localities such as Ha Giang, Cao Bang, Dak Lak,...

As a leading multi-industry private economic group in Vietnam, in addition to business development, T&T Group always upholds responsibility to the community and society and upholds the philosophy of "enterprise development associated with responsibility". social responsibility". Every year, T&T Group spends hundreds of billions of VND to support and help alleviate difficulties for poor people and people facing natural disasters; provide large financial support to build schools, award scholarships to poor students; take care of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers; renovating and renovating historical and cultural works across the country...
